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Rental management,

a necessity these days!

Renting out a flat can be a time-consuming process that can't be reconciled with a busy professional and personal life, or with geographical distance. What's more, you want to free yourself from the constraints associated with renting out and managing a property (unannounced visits at impossible times, visits from people who can't pay, unpaid bills, etc.).
We suggest that you rely on the services and skills of the MENDES Immobilier teams by entrusting us with the rental management of your property.

A made-to-measure service and availability at all times.

Through its rental management service, MENDES Immobilier will carry out all the tasks required for the proper management of your property:

  • Finding a tenant,
  • Drawing up leases,
  • Collecting rent,
  • Follow-up and monitoring of disputes,
  • Checking that the tenant's obligations are fulfilled,
  • Monitoring and managing works,
  • Carrying out inventories of fixtures and fittings,
  • Managing water damage,
  • Setting up guarantees for unpaid rent, etc.

Thoroughness :

Managing landlords' rental income every day with rigour and professionalism is a matter of trust. We provide them with our expertise and experience by drawing up legally reliable contracts and carrying out accurate inventories of fixtures and fittings.

Our customers receive their rent every month, and we provide them with a detailed management report so that every owner can keep abreast of everything to do with their property.

Avantage :

When a property is entrusted to MENDES Immobilier for rental management, all the costs inherent in managing the property are deductible from the owner's property income. So there are no real extra costs, and on the contrary, there are definite advantages to working with us.

Take advantage of our Wealth Advice to help you make sound property investments.


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